Больше решений

Flameless swing door ZERO-in ZERO-out

- Aluminum frame anodized and coated, hidden in the wall
- Easy to install with accessories set and manual in 20 languages
- Invisible hinges made of metal, 3 ways adjustable
- Designed for brick wall and drywall of any thickness
- Push or pull opening options
- Door leaf available in any style, wooden, lacquered, flush, glazed, classic
- single swing Up to 900x2980mm / double swing up to 1800X2980mm

Flush Frame Systems
Technical features for both systems;

- Invisible hinges made of metal, 3 ways adjustable
- Magnetic lock
- Frame embedded flush casings on door panel side
- Telescoping casings on opposite side
- Frame made of solid blockboard, casings made of plywood
- Wall thickness on demand 80-600 mm

Flush Frame Systems

HF and Reverse systems
have been designed to be combined

Soluzioni intelligenti
Sistema Rototraslante

- Doppio senso di apertura spingere/tirare
- Ingombro del battente aperto inferiore del 50%
- Aspetto estetico identico alle normali porte a battente
- Disponibile per svariati modelli e finiture

Smart solutions
Semi-pivot Opening System

- 2 ways push/puòò opening with no opening hand
- Takes 50% space less than swing door when open
- Looks like a standard swing door
- Several models and finishes available

Fotted wardrobe

Cupboard fronts sized on demand

Ghizzi e Benatti produces
fitted wardrobe and
cupboard doors sized on
demand to be combined
with doors.